Empower Change

Transform Lives

World Bicycle Relief provides bicycles to those in need, enabling access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

Education Access

Bicycles help students travel to school safely and quickly, increasing attendance and performance.

Healthcare Reach

Health workers use bicycles to visit more patients, providing essential care in remote areas.

Economic Opportunities

Entrepreneurs can transport goods and services efficiently, boosting local economies.


World Bicycle Relief: A Catalyst for Change

Make a Difference Today

Your gift will provide life-changing transportation to those who need it most. Help us deliver bicycles to students, healthcare workers, and entrepreneurs, and support the training of field mechanics and local assembly of bicycles. Together, we can create lasting change.

How Your Donation Makes a Difference

Transform Lives with Your Support

Your generous donation to World Bicycle Relief will be used to provide robust, purpose-built bicycles to individuals in need. These bicycles serve as a critical tool, enabling students to attend school regularly, healthcare workers to reach more patients, and entrepreneurs to transport goods to market. By supporting our programs, you are not only giving the gift of mobility but also fostering economic growth, improving healthcare access, and enhancing educational opportunities. Your contribution helps build sustainable communities by training local field mechanics and assembling bicycles locally, ensuring long-term benefits and self-sufficiency. Together, we can create lasting change and empower individuals to achieve their goals.

What Beneficiaries Say

“Receiving a bicycle from World Bicycle Relief has changed my life. I used to walk hours to get to school, but now I can attend classes regularly and have more time to study. This bicycle is more than just a mode of transport; it’s a gateway to a brighter future.”
Amina, Student
“As a healthcare worker in a remote village, the bicycle I received has allowed me to visit more patients and provide timely care. It has significantly improved the health outcomes in my community. I am deeply grateful for this life-changing gift.”
John, Healthcare Worker
“With my new bicycle, I can now transport my goods to the market efficiently and grow my small business. This has increased my income and improved the quality of life for my family. Thank you, World Bicycle Relief, for this incredible opportunity.”
Maria, Entrepreneur