Day 8 — morning loop and then this easy link ride to Perth

by | Jun 10, 2024 | 0 comments

After two hard days in the saddle — one of them a 55-miler on tough MTB trails plus a 17 mile ride to get there — it was good to take it easier today on rolling hills and smooth asphalt.

I’m staying in Perth but these three fellas I met in a Kinross coffee shop are riding further. They are on day 10 of a 14 day LEJOG.

They started in boiling weather in Cornwall and are now, like me, freezing in Scotland!

Staying in a 15th mill in the centre of Perth. It’s a Mercure hotel and quite the looker.


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Ride Stats

  • Moving time
    01 hour 58 mins 02 seconds.

  • Elapsed time
    03 hours 00 mins 15 seconds.

  • Distance
    22.8 miles (36.7 km).

  • Elevation
    1,030 ft (314 m).

  • Average speed
    11.6 mph (18.7 km/h).

  • Max speed
    37.9 mph (60.9 km/h).

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