Day 5 — Melrose meander

by | Jun 7, 2024 | 0 comments

I’ve chosen not to hide today’s GPS track. It’s mainly the 4 Abbeys route between Melrose, Dryburgh, Kelso and Jedburgh. Almost all of the 52 rides in my book have been curated by me but this one wasn’t. It’s a great route and I left it almost as is — there’s just one extra loop, and that’s not shown (mainly because I’m doing it this evening when my drone batteries have recharged).

One of the good things about starting riding at 4.15am is that even with loads of photography stops a 70-mile ride is finished by early afternoon so time to refuel.

Oh, and yes, that’s a perfectly good bridge but don’t all cyclists prefer to ride through fords? I had to cross about multiple times for iPhone and drone photographs. Got my feet rather wet. I suffer for my art.


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Ride Stats

  • Moving time
    05 hours 00 mins 03 seconds.

  • Elapsed time
    09 hours 33 mins 40 seconds.

  • Distance
    58.7 miles (94.5 km).

  • Elevation
    4,600 ft (1,402 m).

  • Average speed
    11.7 mph (18.9 km/h).

  • Max speed
    31 mph (49.8 km/h).

  • Follow me on Strava