Day 17 — Palm trees in Plocton but no pagans

by | Jun 21, 2024 | 0 comments

This is yesterday’s ride after the Bealach Na BA climb. We’re actually further down the road towards Skye.

If you’ve seen the 1970’s classic horror movie The Wicker Man you’ll recognise this concrete bridge in the Scottish Highlands village of Plocton.

That’s Jude cycling across it. I’ve shown her the Plocton highlights from the film, but she’s yet to watch the full thing. (Which is probably for the best.)

Can’t say I’ve seen any pagan human sacrifices in town so far. Lots of palm trees though. Gulf Stream innit.

No book research today. Instead I’m here for a commissioned travel piece in a national newspaper, and will be on the sea tomorrow not a cycle.


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Ride Stats

  • Moving time
    00 hours 39 mins 12 seconds.

  • Elapsed time
    00 hours 46 mins 52 seconds.

  • Distance
    7.3 miles (11.7 km).

  • Elevation
    390 ft (119 m).

  • Average speed
    11.1 mph (17.9 km/h).

  • Max speed
    21.5 mph (34.6 km/h).

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