Day 2 — Wet and windy — call this summer?

by | Jun 4, 2024 | 0 comments

The weather forecast said there would be drizzle but day would get sunny from lunchtime — so, I left from Chollerford at 10am thinking I’d get maybe an hour of light rain. Oops.

There was almost constant rain until about 4pm, and some of it was proper wet rain. Cold rain. And as I was cycling east to west — not the best way to ride, I know but needs must— I was riding into a stiff headwind. Proper dodgy wind that pushed me sideways, which wasn’t great on the Military Road where motorists pass close and at speed.

Didn’t think I’d be needing the overshoes but glad I brought them.

Now that I’m finished for the day the sun has come out. Of course.

I was cursing the weather forecasts. Out by at least three hours.

But, no matter the weather, it’s always good to be in Hadrian’s Wall country. Tomorrow it’s the Debatable Land, the no mans’ zone separating medieval Border Reiver clans.


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Ride Stats

  • Moving time
    04 hours 36 mins 05 seconds.

  • Elapsed time
    06 hours 06 mins 52 seconds.

  • Distance
    48 miles (77.3 km).

  • Elevation
    3,212 ft (979 m).

  • Average speed
    10.4 mph (16.8 km/h).

  • Max speed
    29.3 mph (47.2 km/h).

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