Day 1 — to Hexham and the first loop

by | Jun 3, 2024 | 2 comments

No point leaving stupid early because weather forecast not great for Hadrian’s Wall country. So left at 7am and took it slowly to Hexham, where the first loop starts.

Chilly for June. And very very windy riding west.

One needlessly dangerous overtake on the Military Road and umpteen fabulous, over-in-opposite-carriageway overtakes including a Ramage HGV driver, police driver, ambulance driver, 4+ white van drivers and more.

Stupendous. Is it my bags? Whatever, I’m liking it.

Bought a Leatherman Skeletool in Hexham Millets then had cream tea in front of the medieval gaol. Bike tourists are good for local economies!

Now for the 90km loop and a hotel stay for my first night — the George at Chollerford. And the sun is coming out.


  1. Ian

    Looking forward to following your progress!

    • Carlton Reid

      Me too!


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Ride Stats

  • Moving time
    02 hours 41 mins 45 seconds.

  • Elapsed time
    04 hours 04 mins 42 seconds.

  • Distance
    27.6 miles (44.4 km).

  • Elevation
    2,336 ft (712 m).

  • Average speed
    10.2 mph (16.5 km/h).

  • Max speed
    31.1 mph (50 km/h).

  • Follow me on Strava